Taking care of your eyes is very important to avoid complications before and after the refractive surgery. If there is any problem with your eyes then you must consult your surgeon immediately. You must follow the advice of your doctor and your eyes will be healthy and your vision will be restored after refractive.

  • You must have transportation available to take you home after the surgery.
  • You must not rub the eye or touch it.
  • Take some days off from work, university or school.
  • You must see the doctor twenty within four to forty eight hours after the surgery.
  • You must also visit the doctor for the first six months at regular intervals after the procedure.
  • You will be given eye drops to lubricate your eyes. You must use these eye drops. Any medication to reduce pain and antibiotics must also be taken. Take precautions to prevent eye infections.
  • You must wear sun glasses to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of sun light and dust.
  • Don’t watch television or use computers for up to twenty four to forty eight hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for a couple of weeks after the surgery.
  • Don’t use contact lenses until your eye heals and also follow your doctor’s advice.
  • Don’t take a shower for twenty four to forty eight hours after the procedure and after that take a bath instead of the shower.

📌BỆNH VIỆN MẮT QUỐC TẾ DND – HẢI DƯƠNG International Eye Hospital
📞 Hotline: 0899.034.034
🏨 Địa chỉ: Số 250 Trường Chinh, P. Tân Bình, TP. Hải Dương.
🌐 http://haiduong.matquocte.vn
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🔸 Phòng khám Nhi khoa quốc tế DND. FB.com/nhikhoadnd